About International School for Jain Studies (ISJS)
ISJS Vision and Mission is to facilitate the establishment and promotion of Jain Academic Studies at universities and research institutions around the world.
Why Jain Studies? - Jain Dharma is one of the least known and most misunderstood religious philosophies. The academia world is lagging behind in the knowledge of Jain Dharma and the younger generation has not picked up on this yet! There is an urgent need for world class excellence in Jain Center’s and Institutions doing research and disseminating information and articles on Jainism.
ISJS established in 2005 is an Academic program affiliated with and for universities. Indian Organizations/Institutions serve as a Classroom for introduction to Jainism and its culture in a Non-Sectarian way. Over 320 Students and Faculty from 16 countries and 25 universities have participated in studies on Jainism since 2005. There are multiple centers in USA, Canada, Thailand and India.
Although ISJS works with 20 Universities in USA, Claremont Lincoln University (CLU) in Claremont, California is the main focus and a flagship. ISJS, JAINA, JCSC and CLU signed MOUs on September 6, 2011. A Center for Jain Studies (CJS) was launched at CLU on October 8, 2012. Please visit www.jain.claremontlincoln.org and www.isjs.in for more information.
CJS - 13 Graduate students are already alumni of ISJS, many of them are working on their PhDs. JAINA Calendar temple photos will be displayed in the Center for Jain Studies. We will do a minimum of two annual conferences on Applied Jain Dharma at CLU. First one took place in August, 2012 where nine religious traditions were represented. One Graduate level course will be offered each semester.
A Research project about Ahimsa in the face of disaster is going on. There will be a week long summer School for High School Jain children in July of 2013. CLU staff frequently visits Jain Center of Southern California (JCSC) and there is very strong bond between JCSC & CLU.
For Jain studies to prosper and Jain Dharma to survive, we must train new and young world class Jain scholars. More than 20 universities and colleges offer regular courses in Jain Dharma now. More than 3,000 students attend these classes regularly. Several Grad classes and some studying for PhDs. Recently 11 scholars have completed their PhDs from prestigious universities in USA and Canada. 19 more scholars will be completing their PhDs in next 2-3 years. 15 High school teachers were in India in 2012 to study Jain Dharma and practices of Ahimsa. We expect nearly 90 students, professors and teachers from USA to go to India to study Jain Dharma this year.
Annual Meet & Greet Program with Jain Scholars - A great and innovative way to develop relationships between Jain community and Academia was started three years ago. It is attended by at about 40-55 scholars and professors across USA, Canada and Europe.
How can you get involved in ISJS. Promote and tell about many on-going programs to your family and friends, send your children to summer camp at CLU. ISJS is ready to offer similar programs for Jains (all ages) in India and in USA. Donate Jain Books, CDs and Paintings to university libraries. Attend conferences and seminars at CLU and other places. Please donate for various programs and conferences. Provide fellowships and Sponsor scholars going to India for studies.
Please Invite these Jain Scholars - many are now available to give lectures at your Jain Center.